I am experienced Software Engineer, and I take pride in developing practical and time-saving software
by adding value to the products of the organisation.

Software Engineer - Backend Developer.
Skilled at Problem-Solving, Data Structures, Algorithms, Object-Oriented design and development with Java, C++, Python. I also contribute at GeeksForGeeks, TowardsDataScience.
- City: Hyderabad, Telangana, India
- Degree: Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering
- University: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
In order to leverage & improve on my problem-solving skills, I frequently participate in coding contests, mock interviews and learn from mistakes.
In my past one and half years of experience, I had contributed to multiple backend Micro-Services development and improved the systems latency by 1.5x.
Here are my areas of expertise that I use daily in my professional life.
Here is my education and work history.
Sanjay Ulsha
Innovative and deadline-driven Software Engineer with 1.5+ years of experience designing and developing backend software systems improving latency and impacting businesses.
- Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering
2014 - 2018
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
Kukatpally, Hyderabad
Professional Experience
Software Engineer, Swiggy(Bundl Technologies pvt ltd)
March, 2021 - Present
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
- Working as backend developer in the restaurant vendor team.
- Stack - [Java, SpringBoot, RESTful web services, Kafka, Redis, DynamoDB, AWS]
Software Engineer, Rebel Foods pvt ltd
Dec, 2020 - March, 2021
Mumbai, Maharastra, India
- Worked as a Backend developer, part of the In-Order team.
- Designed and developed a PoC on scheduler service that does dynamic job CRUD operations in revamping the old static job scheduler. Presented it to the CTO, received appreciation and approval with few add-ons.
- Stack - [Java, SpringBoot, Hibernate, Quartz, REST APIs, MySQL]
Software Engineer, Wells Fargo India pvt ltd
July, 2018 - Dec, 2019
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
- Took ownership and introduced writing custom Angular directives & Dynamic SQL boosting the development time by 2x and received appreciation from the team lead.
- Single-handedly written and optimized nearly 20 stored procedures by removing redundant inner queries and using joins, functions improving query performance by 1.5x.
- Stack - [Angular, C#, REST APIs, SQL Server]
Personal Projects
Here are few of my personal projects that I have been working on for last few months.
- E-Wallet service with create wallet, add money, and send money
- Dynamic job scheduler with data persisted in the database for recovery
- Sketch2Color anime translation with Generative Adversarial Networks (50 stars, 10 forks)
- Human Activity Recognition (static, dynamic state classification)
- Customer Transaction Prediction for banking
- Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) for Linear Regression
- Predicting Relative Humidity using metal oxides
Technical blogs
Here are few of the articles that I had written based on my personal projects, interview preparation.
- Merge two sorted arrays in O((n+m) log m) time and O(1) extra space
- Square of a number without using ’*’, ’/’, ’pow()’ in O(log n) time
- Case conversion of a string with bitwise operators
- Toggle case of a string with bitwise operators
- Variable length arrays for Structures in C/C++
- Flexible array members in C/C++
- Sketch2Color anime translation with GANs
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)